The generational gap between us.

One often says to oneself … that one ought to avoid having too many different businesses, to avoid becoming a jack-of-all-trades, and that the older one gets, the more one ought to avoid entering into new business. But … the very fact of growing older means taking up a new business; all our circumstances change, and we must either stop doing anything at all or else willing and consciously take on the new role we have to play on life’s stage. ~

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

change is inevitable, whichever direction it takes whether positive or negative it is imminent. No one is an island or alienated to this phenomenon. Just like the sun rises and sets everyday, the moon rises whether we see it or not, it does not mean its not there, so is life. Ageing is a blessing but some say ageing is a fault in our genes as cells replicate and replace old ones but that I leave it to the scientists and their capable hands. Naturally where there is life there Is death/ destruction its natural and also duality which dictates that two fundamental concepts exist, which often oppose each other that is good and wrong, right and left, black and white etc.

depending on the region one hails from, as a youth growing up one is taught and told good and wrong and one is taught how to make sound choices and doing the right thing. So as a child one really has no choice but to do as told and emulate his/her seniors, the crux of the matter lies on whether if the child is impacted negatively by his/her parents and picks up on vices is it the child to blame or the parent and if so would have the child stood a better chance of becoming a better person without the influence of the elders?

I know it is far fetched and a child obviously need the guidance of his/her parents to grow up with morals and also learn the societal values and cultures specific to his/her region and have something that he/she can fall back to and help identify the individual for example religious background, accepted norms in the family and so on.

With that said, it is also important to give the child a room to express and expound on his/her ideas and learn first hand rather than dictation of what to do all the time and specifically how to do it. The problem with dictation of life practices and values is that once when the dictator is gone the subject tends to be left with a void as everything the individual knew was dictated not learned and earned.

with the proper guidance and support, the current generation of youth could be better as we all cant be same as it was was during the youthful age of our seniors. Change is not only confined to the calendar dates but also everything present for example the way things were done in say the 1970s is not the same way things are currently done, the standards of living and technological advancements are not the same so why not the way we raise our children? Acknowledging that the old gold professional jobs don’t cut it the same way they did in their halcyon days. We cant all be engineers and lawyers and doctors.

Personally growing up I wanted to be a doctor as It was the best thing one could answer if asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?” but currently am in film and theatre profession which was never recognized as an actual ‘thing’ back then. I cannot say am the most successful film practitioner but am doing good.

Currently in my country the unemployment rate is higher than a skyscraper and the sad thing some of them are university graduates who had hopes of finishing higher levels of learning and automatically securing job positions but on the contrary. There was an instance of a masters graduate who had lived as a homeless man for ten years, seeking jobs but to no avails and with all that knowledge one would expect that a masters graduate holds a better chance of securing a good job at least.

It is a high time we acknowledged the generational gap and that a lot has happened in between the temporal difference and a lot will happen in the near future. The best we can do is seek alternatives rather than wait for the fairy to pick the tooth under our pillow and make possibilities and probability a reality.

Every human being, no matter how slightly gifted he is, however subordinate his position in life may be, has a natural need to formulate a life-view, a conception of the meaning of life and of its purpose.”

~Soren Kierkegaard

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